Small Soft Haft
Crafting Material
Crafting Material
Used to craft Axes and Maces.

Recipes using this item (44)
Ravaging Iron Mace
Hunter's Iron Mace
Vigorous Iron Mace
Strong Iron Mace
Honed Iron Mace
Hearty Iron Mace
Ravaging Iron Mace
Hunter's Iron Mace
Vigorous Iron Mace
Strong Iron Mace
Honed Iron Mace
Hearty Iron Mace
Ravaging Iron Axe
Hunter's Iron Axe
Vigorous Iron Axe
Strong Iron Axe
Honed Iron Axe
Hearty Iron Axe
Ravaging Iron Axe
Hunter's Iron Axe
Vigorous Iron Axe
Strong Iron Axe
Honed Iron Axe
Hearty Iron Axe
Rejuvenating Iron Mace
Rejuvenating Iron Mace
Rejuvenating Iron Axe
Rejuvenating Iron Axe
Ravaging Bandit Cleaver
Rejuvenating Bandit Cleaver
Honed Bandit Cleaver
Hunter's Bandit Cleaver
Strong Bandit Cleaver
Vigorous Bandit Cleaver
Hearty Bandit Cleaver
Ravaging Bandit Mallet
Rejuvenating Bandit Mallet
Honed Bandit Mallet
Hunter's Bandit Mallet
Strong Bandit Mallet
Vigorous Bandit Mallet
Hearty Bandit Mallet
Giver's Iron Axe
Giver's Bandit Mallet
Crafting Recipe Level 75
Detailed crafting recipe »
Small Soft Haft