Seasoned Rifle Stock
Crafting Material
Crafting Material
Used to craft Rifles and Harpoon Guns.

Recipes using this item (45)
Ravaging Steel Rifle
Vigorous Steel Rifle
Hunter's Steel Rifle
Strong Steel Rifle
Honed Steel Rifle
Hearty Steel Rifle
Ravaging Steel Rifle
Strong Steel Rifle
Vigorous Steel Rifle
Hunter's Steel Rifle
Honed Steel Rifle
Hearty Steel Rifle
Ravaging Seasoned Wood Harpoon Gun
Vigorous Seasoned Wood Harpoon Gun
Hunter's Seasoned Wood Harpoon Gun
Strong Seasoned Wood Harpoon Gun
Honed Seasoned Wood Harpoon Gun
Hearty Seasoned Wood Harpoon Gun
Ravaging Seasoned Wood Harpoon Gun
Strong Seasoned Wood Harpoon Gun
Vigorous Seasoned Wood Harpoon Gun
Hunter's Seasoned Wood Harpoon Gun
Honed Seasoned Wood Harpoon Gun
Hearty Seasoned Wood Harpoon Gun
Rejuvenating Steel Rifle
Rejuvenating Steel Rifle
Rejuvenating Seasoned Wood Harpoon Gun
Rejuvenating Seasoned Wood Harpoon Gun
Ravaging Dredge Boomstick
Rejuvenating Dredge Boomstick
Honed Dredge Boomstick
Hunter's Dredge Boomstick
Strong Dredge Boomstick
Vigorous Dredge Boomstick
Hearty Dredge Boomstick
Ravaging Dredge Harpoon Gun
Rejuvenating Dredge Harpoon Gun
Honed Dredge Harpoon Gun
Hunter's Dredge Harpoon Gun
Strong Dredge Harpoon Gun
Vigorous Dredge Harpoon Gun
Hearty Dredge Harpoon Gun
Giver's Soft Wood Harpoon Gun
Giver's Iron Rifle
Handcrafted Poacher's Shot
Crafting Recipe Level 150
Detailed crafting recipe »
Seasoned Rifle Stock