Wool Trouser Panel
Crafting Material
Crafting Material
Used to craft Wool Leggings.

Recipes using this item (22)
Ravaging Student Leggings
Hunter's Student Leggings
Vigorous Student Leggings
Strong Student Leggings
Honed Student Leggings
Hearty Student Leggings
Ravaging Student Leggings
Hunter's Student Leggings
Vigorous Student Leggings
Strong Student Leggings
Honed Student Leggings
Hearty Student Leggings
Rejuvenating Student Leggings
Rejuvenating Student Leggings
Ravaging Masquerade Leggings
Rejuvenating Masquerade Leggings
Honed Masquerade Leggings
Hunter's Masquerade Leggings
Strong Masquerade Leggings
Vigorous Masquerade Leggings
Hearty Masquerade Leggings
Giver's Student Leggings
Crafting Recipe Level 75
Detailed crafting recipe »
Wool Trouser Panel
4x Bolt of Wool
2x Wool Scrap