Silk Epaulet Padding
Crafting Material
Crafting Material
Used to craft Silk Shoulders.

Recipes using this item (31)
Carrion Feathered Mantle
Knight's Feathered Mantle
Valkyrie Feathered Mantle
Cleric's Feathered Mantle
Assassin's Feathered Mantle
Berserker's Feathered Mantle
Rampager's Feathered Mantle
Carrion Feathered Mantle
Cleric's Feathered Mantle
Assassin's Feathered Mantle
Berserker's Feathered Mantle
Rampager's Feathered Mantle
Knight's Feathered Mantle
Valkyrie Feathered Mantle
Carrion Masquerade Mantle
Cleric's Masquerade Mantle
Assassin's Masquerade Mantle
Berserker's Masquerade Mantle
Rampager's Masquerade Mantle
Knight's Masquerade Mantle
Valkyrie Masquerade Mantle
Apothecary's Feathered Mantle
Apothecary's Feathered Mantle
Apothecary's Masquerade Mantle
Giver's Masquerade Mantle
Sentinel's Feathered Mantle
Sentinel's Feathered Mantle
Sentinel's Masquerade Mantle
Pious Pinion
Pious Pinion
Pious Pinion
Crafting Recipe Level 300
Detailed crafting recipe »
Silk Epaulet Padding
2x Bolt of Silk
3x Silk Scrap