Cured Rugged Leather Square
Crafting Material
Crafting Material
Refined from Sections.

Recipes using this item (70)
15 Slot Rugged Leather Pack
15 Slot Invisible Pack
15 Slot Oiled Pack
Rugged Boot Sole
Rugged Boot Upper
Rugged Glove Panel
Rugged Goggle Strap
Rugged Longcoat Panel
Rugged Shoulderguard Panel
Rugged Trouser Panel
Satchel of Carrion Rascal Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Rascal Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Carrion Rascal Armor
Satchel of Carrion Noble Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Rascal Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Noble Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Noble Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Noble Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Noble Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Noble Armor
Linen Epaulet Panel
Linen Shoe Sole
Linen Coat Panel
Linen Gloves Panel
Linen Helm Strap
Satchel of Carrion Winged Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Winged Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Winged Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Winged Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Winged Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Winged Armor
Satchel of Carrion Winged Armor
Satchel of Carrion Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Winged Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Winged Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Winged Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Winged Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Winged Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Masquerade Armor
Rugged String
Satchel of Knight's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Knight's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Knight's Noble Armor
Satchel of Knight's Winged Armor
Satchel of Knight's Winged Armor
Satchel of Knight's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Giver's Noble Armor
Satchel of Giver's Masquerade Armor
Elonian Leather Square
Intricate Leatherworker's Tools
Darksteel Chisel
Shark Figurine
Second Order Mist Frame
Smooth Book Cover
Linen Patch
Blended Leather Sheet
Elonian Tent
Major Sigil of Centaur Slaying
Crafting Recipe Level 225
Detailed crafting recipe »
Cured Rugged Leather Square