Stretched Rawhide Leather Square
Crafting Material
Crafting Material
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Recipes using this item (55)
Bloodsaw Leather Work Boots
Bloodsaw Leather Work Coat
Bloodsaw Leather Work Gloves
Bloodsaw Leather Work Mask
Bloodsaw Leather Work Leggings
Bloodsaw Leather Work Shoulderpads
Wrangler's Bag
Rawhide Boot Sole
Rawhide Boot Upper
Rawhide Chestguard Panel
Rawhide Glove Strap
Rawhide Legging Panel
Rawhide Legging Strap
Rawhide Mask Strap
Rawhide Shoulderguard Panel
8 Slot Rawhide Leather Pack
8 Slot Invisible Pack
8 Slot Oiled Pack
Satchel of Mighty Seeker Armor
Satchel of Malign Seeker Armor
Satchel of Mighty Seeker Armor
Satchel of Vital Seeker Armor
Satchel of Healing Seeker Armor
Satchel of Precise Seeker Armor
Satchel of Resilient Seeker Armor
Satchel of Malign Seeker Armor
Satchel of Healing Seeker Armor
Satchel of Mighty Seeker Armor
Satchel of Precise Seeker Armor
Satchel of Resilient Seeker Armor
Satchel of Vital Seeker Armor
Jute Tunic Panel
Jute Sandal Sole
Jute Wristguard Strap
Jute Headpiece Strap
Jute Epaulet Panel
Rune of Life
Satchel of Mighty Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Malign Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Mighty Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Vital Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Healing Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Precise Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Resilient Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Malign Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Healing Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Mighty Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Precise Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Resilient Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Vital Embroidered Armor
Rawhide String
Simple Leatherworker's Tools
Bronze Chisel
Coarse Book Cover
Jute Patch
Crafting Recipe Level 0
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Stretched Rawhide Leather Square