Cleric's Elder Inscription
Crafting Material
Crafting Material
Required Level: 75
Used in the crafting of weapons with +Healing Power, +Power, and +Toughness.

Recipes using this item (19)
Cleric's Elder Wood Scepter
Cleric's Elder Wood Focus
Cleric's Elder Wood Staff
Cleric's Elder Wood Trident
Cleric's Elder Wood Torch
Cleric's Elder Wood Short Bow
Cleric's Mithril Rifle
Cleric's Elder Wood Warhorn
Cleric's Mithril Pistol
Cleric's Elder Wood Longbow
Cleric's Elder Wood Harpoon Gun
Cleric's Mithril Shield
Cleric's Mithril Sword
Cleric's Mithril Hammer
Cleric's Mithril Mace
Cleric's Mithril Axe
Cleric's Mithril Dagger
Cleric's Mithril Greatsword
Cleric's Mithril Spear
Crafting Recipe Level 325
Detailed crafting recipe »
Cleric's Elder Inscription