Valkyrie Silk Insignia
Crafting Material
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of armor with +Power, +Ferocity, and +Vitality.

Recipes using this item (18)
Valkyrie Barbaric Boots
Valkyrie Barbaric Gloves
Valkyrie Barbaric Coat
Valkyrie Barbaric Helm
Valkyrie Barbaric Pauldrons
Valkyrie Barbaric Legplates
Valkyrie Prowler Pants
Valkyrie Prowler Shoulders
Valkyrie Prowler Boots
Valkyrie Prowler Gloves
Valkyrie Prowler Coat
Valkyrie Prowler Helm
Valkyrie Feathered Pants
Valkyrie Feathered Gloves
Valkyrie Feathered Boots
Valkyrie Feathered Mantle
Valkyrie Feathered Headpiece
Valkyrie Feathered Vestments
Crafting Recipe Level 300
Detailed crafting recipe »
Valkyrie Silk Insignia
3x Silk Scrap
3x Large Fang