Large Claw
Crafting Material
Crafting Material

Recipes using this item (19)
Assassin's Silk Insignia
Assassin's Embroidered Silk Insignia
Assassin's Intricate Silk Insignia
Assassin's Elder Inscription
Assassin's Mithril Plated Inscription
Assassin's Mithril Imbued Inscription
Box of Assassin's Barbaric Armor
Box of Assassin's Barbaric Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Prowler Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Prowler Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Feathered Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Feathered Armor
Potent Potion of Flame Legion Slaying
Potent Potion of Sons of Svanir Slaying
Creepy Jack-o'-Lantern
Writ of Learned Accuracy
Gift of Claws
Mystic Curio
Claw of Execution