Apothecary's Mithril Imbued Inscription
Crafting Material
Crafting Material
Required Level: 80
Used in the crafting of weapons with +Healing Power, +Toughness, and +Condition Damage.

Recipes using this item (19)
Apothecary's Krait Star
Apothecary's Krait Wand
Apothecary's Krait Crook
Apothecary's Krait Trident
Apothecary's Krait Recurve Bow
Apothecary's Krait Short Bow
Apothecary's Krait Handgun
Apothecary's Krait Shooter
Apothecary's Krait Harpoon Gun
Apothecary's Krait Brazier
Apothecary's Krait Whelk
Apothecary's Krait Battleaxe
Apothecary's Krait Ripper
Apothecary's Krait Slayer
Apothecary's Krait Warhammer
Apothecary's Krait Pilum
Apothecary's Krait Morning Star
Apothecary's Krait Shell
Apothecary's Krait Machete
Crafting Recipe Level 375
Detailed crafting recipe »
Apothecary's Mithril Imbued Inscription
2x Mithril Ore
20x Karka Shell