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Celestial Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Crafting Material
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of armor with a bonus to all stats.
Account Bound

Recipes using this item (22)
Celestial Draconic Boots
Celestial Draconic Coat
Celestial Draconic Gauntlets
Celestial Draconic Helm
Celestial Draconic Legs
Celestial Draconic Pauldrons
Celestial Emblazoned Boots
Celestial Emblazoned Coat
Celestial Emblazoned Gloves
Celestial Emblazoned Helm
Celestial Emblazoned Pants
Satchel of Celestial Emblazoned Armor
Celestial Emblazoned Shoulders
Celestial Exalted Boots
Celestial Exalted Coat
Celestial Exalted Gloves
Celestial Exalted Masque
Celestial Exalted Pants
Satchel of Celestial Exalted Armor
Celestial Exalted Mantle
Box of Celestial Draconic Armor
Wupwup Celestial Insignia
Crafting Recipe Level 400
Detailed crafting recipe »
Celestial Intricate Gossamer Insignia