Zojja's Berserker Inscription
Crafting Material
Crafting Material
Required Level: 80
Used in the crafting of weapons with +Power, +Ferocity, and +Precision.

Recipes using this item (19)
Zojja's Wand
Zojja's Artifact
Zojja's Spire
Zojja's Trident
Zojja's Brazier
Zojja's Short Bow
Zojja's Musket
Zojja's Herald
Zojja's Revolver
Zojja's Greatbow
Zojja's Harpoon Gun
Zojja's Bastion
Zojja's Blade
Zojja's Warhammer
Zojja's Flanged Mace
Zojja's Reaver
Zojja's Razor
Zojja's Claymore
Zojja's Impaler
Crafting Recipe Level 500
Detailed crafting recipe »
Zojja's Berserker Inscription
20x Hard Wood Plank
20x Soft Wood Plank
50x Elder Wood Plank
20x Darksteel Ingot
2x Platinum Ore
20x Iron Ingot
3x Iron Ore
10x Steel Ingot
3x Iron Ore
50x Mithril Ingot
2x Mithril Ore