Game Types
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Lesser Vision Crystal
Used in crafting Ascended items.
Account Bound
Recipes using this item (666)
- Wupwup Warfists
- Occam's Warfists
- Ferratus's Warfists
- Morbach's Warfists
- Tateos's Warfists
- Hronk's Warfists
- Veldrunner Warfists
- Gobrech's Warfists
- Zojja's Warfists
- Ahamid's Warfists
- Forgemaster's Warfists
- Saphir's Warfists
- Leftpaw's Warfists
- Angchu Warfists
- Beigarth's Warfists
- Zintl Warfists
- Wei Qi's Warfists
- Wupwup Greaves
- Occam's Greaves
- Ferratus's Greaves
- Morbach's Greaves
- Tateos's Greaves
- Hronk's Greaves
- Veldrunner Greaves
- Gobrech's Greaves
- Zojja's Greaves
- Ahamid's Greaves
- Forgemaster's Greaves
- Saphir's Greaves
- Leftpaw's Greaves
- Angchu Greaves
- Beigarth's Greaves
- Zintl Greaves
- Wei Qi's Greaves
- Wupwup Visor
- Occam's Visor
- Ferratus's Visor
- Morbach's Visor
- Tateos's Visor
- Hronk's Visor
- Veldrunner Visor
- Gobrech's Visor
- Zojja's Visor
- Ahamid's Visor
- Forgemaster's Visor
- Saphir's Visor
- Leftpaw's Visor
- Angchu Visor
- Beigarth's Visor
- Zintl Visor
- Wei Qi's Visor
- Wupwup Pauldrons
- Occam's Pauldrons
- Ferratus's Pauldrons
- Morbach's Pauldrons
- Tateos's Pauldrons
- Hronk's Pauldrons
- Veldrunner Pauldrons
- Gobrech's Pauldrons
- Zojja's Pauldrons
- Ahamid's Pauldrons
- Forgemaster's Pauldrons
- Saphir's Pauldrons
- Leftpaw's Pauldrons
- Angchu Pauldrons
- Beigarth's Pauldrons
- Zintl Pauldrons
- Wei Qi's Pauldrons
- Wupwup Tassets
- Occam's Tassets
- Ferratus's Tassets
- Morbach's Tassets
- Tateos's Tassets
- Hronk's Tassets
- Veldrunner Tassets
- Gobrech's Tassets
- Zojja's Tassets
- Ahamid's Tassets
- Forgemaster's Tassets
- Saphir's Tassets
- Leftpaw's Tassets
- Angchu Tassets
- Beigarth's Tassets
- Zintl Tassets
- Wei Qi's Tassets
- Wupwup Leggings
- Occam's Leggings
- Ferratus's Leggings
- Morbach's Leggings
- Tateos's Leggings
- Hronk's Leggings
- Veldrunner Leggings
- Gobrech's Leggings
- Zojja's Leggings
- Ahamid's Leggings
- Forgemaster's Leggings
- Saphir's Leggings
- Leftpaw's Leggings
- Angchu Leggings
- Beigarth's Leggings
- Zintl Leggings
- Wei Qi's Leggings
- Wupwup Shoulderguard
- Occam's Shoulderguard
- Ferratus's Shoulderguard
- Morbach's Shoulderguard
- Tateos's Shoulderguard
- Hronk's Shoulderguard
- Veldrunner Shoulderguard
- Gobrech's Shoulderguard
- Zojja's Shoulderguard
- Ahamid's Shoulderguard
- Forgemaster's Shoulderguard
- Saphir's Shoulderguard
- Leftpaw's Shoulderguard
- Angchu Shoulderguard
- Beigarth's Shoulderguard
- Zintl Shoulderguard
- Wei Qi's Shoulderguard
- Wupwup Striders
- Occam's Striders
- Ferratus's Striders
- Morbach's Striders
- Tateos's Striders
- Hronk's Striders
- Veldrunner Striders
- Gobrech's Striders
- Zojja's Striders
- Ahamid's Striders
- Forgemaster's Striders
- Saphir's Striders
- Leftpaw's Striders
- Angchu Striders
- Beigarth's Striders
- Zintl Striders
- Wei Qi's Striders
- Wupwup Grips
- Occam's Grips
- Ferratus's Grips
- Morbach's Grips
- Tateos's Grips
- Hronk's Grips
- Veldrunner Grips
- Gobrech's Grips
- Zojja's Grips
- Ahamid's Grips
- Forgemaster's Grips
- Saphir's Grips
- Leftpaw's Grips
- Angchu Grips
- Beigarth's Grips
- Zintl Grips
- Wei Qi's Grips
- Wupwup Visage
- Occam's Visage
- Ferratus's Visage
- Morbach's Visage
- Tateos's Visage
- Hronk's Visage
- Veldrunner Visage
- Gobrech's Visage
- Zojja's Visage
- Ahamid's Visage
- Forgemaster's Visage
- Saphir's Visage
- Leftpaw's Visage
- Angchu Visage
- Beigarth's Visage
- Zintl Visage
- Wei Qi's Visage
- Wupwup Breeches
- Occam's Breeches
- Ferratus's Breeches
- Morbach's Breeches
- Tateos's Breeches
- Hronk's Breeches
- Veldrunner Breeches
- Gobrech's Breeches
- Zojja's Breeches
- Ahamid's Breeches
- Forgemaster's Breeches
- Saphir's Breeches
- Leftpaw's Breeches
- Angchu Breeches
- Beigarth's Breeches
- Zintl Breeches
- Wei Qi's Breeches
- Wupwup Wristguards
- Occam's Wristguards
- Ferratus's Wristguards
- Morbach's Wristguards
- Tateos's Wristguards
- Hronk's Wristguards
- Veldrunner Wristguards
- Gobrech's Wristguards
- Zojja's Wristguards
- Ahamid's Wristguards
- Forgemaster's Wristguards
- Saphir's Wristguards
- Leftpaw's Wristguards
- Angchu Wristguards
- Beigarth's Wristguards
- Zintl Wristguards
- Wei Qi's Wristguards
- Wupwup Footwear
- Occam's Footwear
- Ferratus's Footwear
- Morbach's Footwear
- Tateos's Footwear
- Hronk's Footwear
- Veldrunner Footwear
- Gobrech's Footwear
- Zojja's Footwear
- Ahamid's Footwear
- Forgemaster's Footwear
- Saphir's Footwear
- Leftpaw's Footwear
- Angchu Footwear
- Beigarth's Footwear
- Zintl Footwear
- Wei Qi's Footwear
- Wupwup Epaulets
- Occam's Epaulets
- Ferratus's Epaulets
- Morbach's Epaulets
- Tateos's Epaulets
- Hronk's Epaulets
- Veldrunner Epaulets
- Gobrech's Epaulets
- Zojja's Epaulets
- Ahamid's Epaulets
- Forgemaster's Epaulets
- Saphir's Epaulets
- Leftpaw's Epaulets
- Angchu Epaulets
- Beigarth's Epaulets
- Zintl Epaulets
- Wei Qi's Epaulets
- Wupwup Masque
- Occam's Masque
- Ferratus's Masque
- Morbach's Masque
- Tateos's Masque
- Hronk's Masque
- Veldrunner Masque
- Gobrech's Masque
- Zojja's Masque
- Ahamid's Masque
- Forgemaster's Masque
- Saphir's Masque
- Leftpaw's Masque
- Angchu Masque
- Beigarth's Masque
- Zintl Masque
- Wei Qi's Masque
- Keeper's Pauldrons
- Keeper's Tassets
- Keeper's Greaves
- Keeper's Visor
- Keeper's Warfists
- Keeper's Visage
- Keeper's Grips
- Keeper's Shoulderguard
- Keeper's Striders
- Keeper's Leggings
- Keeper's Wristguards
- Keeper's Breeches
- Keeper's Footwear
- Keeper's Epaulets
- Keeper's Masque
- Ventari's Visor
- Ventari's Tassets
- Ventari's Greaves
- Ventari's Pauldrons
- Ventari's Warfists
- Ventari's Striders
- Ventari's Grips
- Ventari's Leggings
- Ventari's Shoulderguard
- Ventari's Visage
- Ventari's Wristguards
- Ventari's Masque
- Ventari's Breeches
- Ventari's Footwear
- Ventari's Epaulets
- Heat Stone
- Verata's Warfists
- Verata's Visor
- Verata's Greaves
- Verata's Pauldrons
- Verata's Tassets
- Verata's Visage
- Verata's Shoulderguard
- Verata's Grips
- Verata's Leggings
- Verata's Striders
- Verata's Epaulets
- Verata's Masque
- Verata's Breeches
- Verata's Footwear
- Verata's Wristguards
- Svaard's Pauldrons
- Ossa's Shoulderguard
- Yassith's Pauldrons
- Yassith's Grips
- Pahua's Footwear
- Pahua's Shoulderguard
- Tizlak's Masque
- Occam's Cloth Breather
- Ruka's Shoulderguard
- Laranthir's Epaulets
- Pahua's Tassets
- Pahua's Striders
- Ruka's Greaves
- Gobrech's Cloth Breather
- Forgemaster's Metal Breather
- Ruka's Pauldrons
- Leftpaw's Leather Breather
- Yassith's Masque
- Saphir's Cloth Breather
- Wei Qi's Metal Breather
- Ruka's Breeches
- Ruka's Visor
- Angchu Cloth Breather
- Tizlak's Wristguards
- Laranthir's Greaves
- Ossa's Greaves
- Svaard's Wristguards
- Saphir's Leather Breather
- Wupwup Cloth Breather
- Tizlak's Epaulets
- Pahua's Leggings
- Verata's Leather Breather
- Zojja's Leather Breather
- Wupwup Metal Breather
- Forgemaster's Leather Breather
- Laranthir's Grips
- Beigarth's Cloth Breather
- Pahua's Epaulets
- Yassith's Striders
- Tizlak's Warfists
- Ferratus's Metal Breather
- Hronk's Cloth Breather
- Laranthir's Wristguards
- Maklain's Pauldrons
- Tizlak's Footwear
- Maklain's Greaves
- Tizlak's Shoulderguard
- Ruka's Footwear
- Veldrunner Leather Breather
- Svaard's Warfists
- Yassith's Wristguards
- Laranthir's Masque
- Ferratus's Leather Breather
- Verata's Cloth Breather
- Morbach's Leather Breather
- Wupwup Leather Breather
- Beigarth's Leather Breather
- Tateos's Cloth Breather
- Zojja's Cloth Breather
- Svaard's Leggings
- Tizlak's Visage
- Ossa's Pauldrons
- Pahua's Grips
- Hronk's Metal Breather
- Ruka's Warfists
- Veldrunner Metal Breather
- Ventari's Cloth Breather
- Zojja's Metal Breather
- Keeper's Cloth Breather
- Morbach's Metal Breather
- Ruka's Wristguards
- Wei Qi's Cloth Breather
- Ruka's Striders
- Yassith's Footwear
- Maklain's Epaulets
- Yassith's Greaves
- Svaard's Shoulderguard
- Maklain's Warfists
- Zintl Metal Breather
- Tizlak's Greaves
- Ossa's Epaulets
- Leftpaw's Cloth Breather
- Tizlak's Leggings
- Laranthir's Shoulderguard
- Maklain's Shoulderguard
- Ossa's Breeches
- Maklain's Visor
- Pahua's Warfists
- Tateos's Leather Breather
- Svaard's Visage
- Ossa's Visage
- Laranthir's Breeches
- Veldrunner Cloth Breather
- Maklain's Masque
- Zintl Cloth Breather
- Ruka's Visage
- Maklain's Tassets
- Morbach's Cloth Breather
- Maklain's Wristguards
- Tizlak's Breeches
- Laranthir's Warfists
- Ventari's Leather Breather
- Yassith's Visage
- Tizlak's Pauldrons
- Maklain's Visage
- Svaard's Breeches
- Maklain's Striders
- Maklain's Breeches
- Yassith's Epaulets
- Gobrech's Leather Breather
- Laranthir's Pauldrons
- Ossa's Visor
- Ahamid's Cloth Breather
- Maklain's Grips
- Keeper's Leather Breather
- Ahamid's Leather Breather
- Forgemaster's Cloth Breather
- Ruka's Masque
- Verata's Metal Breather
- Angchu Leather Breather
- Maklain's Footwear
- Laranthir's Visage
- Svaard's Grips
- Hronk's Leather Breather
- Angchu Metal Breather
- Ossa's Wristguards
- Ruka's Grips
- Pahua's Visage
- Tizlak's Tassets
- Ventari's Metal Breather
- Tizlak's Grips
- Ossa's Striders
- Ossa's Footwear
- Laranthir's Tassets
- Laranthir's Footwear
- Pahua's Pauldrons
- Ossa's Masque
- Svaard's Epaulets
- Tateos's Metal Breather
- Svaard's Masque
- Ossa's Tassets
- Laranthir's Visor
- Svaard's Footwear
- Wei Qi's Leather Breather
- Svaard's Tassets
- Tizlak's Striders
- Saphir's Metal Breather
- Pahua's Breeches
- Zintl Leather Breather
- Yassith's Tassets
- Yassith's Warfists
- Yassith's Breeches
- Laranthir's Leggings
- Ossa's Leggings
- Pahua's Greaves
- Occam's Metal Breather
- Pahua's Wristguards
- Ruka's Epaulets
- Ossa's Grips
- Ossa's Warfists
- Ferratus's Cloth Breather
- Pahua's Masque
- Beigarth's Metal Breather
- Gobrech's Metal Breather
- Svaard's Greaves
- Yassith's Shoulderguard
- Ruka's Leggings
- Yassith's Visor
- Yassith's Leggings
- Svaard's Striders
- Occam's Leather Breather
- Ruka's Tassets
- Pahua's Visor
- Svaard's Visor
- Maklain's Leggings
- Leftpaw's Metal Breather
- Laranthir's Striders
- Tizlak's Visor
- Keeper's Metal Breather
- Ahamid's Metal Breather
- Visage of Chuka
- Visage of Champawat
- Refined Envoy Cowl
- Thackeray's Shoulderguard
- Thackeray's Footwear
- Refined Envoy Vambraces
- Thackeray's Greaves
- Refined Envoy Gauntlets
- Thackeray's Pauldrons
- Thackeray's Masque
- Thackeray's Vambraces
- Thackeray's Barbute
- Refined Envoy Gloves
- Thackeray's Gloves
- Refined Envoy Greaves
- Thackeray's Tassets
- Refined Envoy Pauldrons
- Refined Envoy Mantle
- Thackeray's Visage
- Refined Envoy Tassets
- Refined Envoy Leggings
- Refined Envoy Shoes
- Refined Envoy Pants
- Thackeray's Pants
- Thackeray's Epaulets
- Refined Envoy Boots
- Refined Envoy Helmet
- Refined Envoy Mask
- Thackeray's Gauntlets
- Thackeray's Leggings
- Refined Envoy Shoulderpads
- Thackeray's Boots
- The Twins' Grips
- Zehtuka's Wristguards
- Nadijeh's Visor
- Zehtuka's Shoulderguard
- The Twins' Pauldrons
- Zehtuka's Masque
- Zehtuka's Visor
- Nadijeh's Shoulderguard
- Zehtuka's Pauldrons
- Zehtuka's Striders
- Zehtuka's Epaulets
- Nadijeh's Visage
- The Twins' Wristguards
- Nadijeh's Warfists
- Zehtuka's Visage
- Zehtuka's Tassets
- Nadijeh's Wristguards
- Nadijeh's Grips
- The Twins' Greaves
- Zehtuka's Footwear
- Nadijeh's Greaves
- Nadijeh's Pauldrons
- The Twins' Visor
- The Twins' Breeches
- Zehtuka's Greaves
- The Twins' Warfists
- The Twins' Shoulderguard
- Zehtuka's Leggings
- The Twins' Tassets
- Nadijeh's Masque
- The Twins' Masque
- The Twins' Leggings
- Nadijeh's Epaulets
- Zehtuka's Grips
- Nadijeh's Tassets
- The Twins' Epaulets
- The Twins' Visage
- Nadijeh's Breeches
- Nadijeh's Leggings
- Nadijeh's Striders
- Nadijeh's Footwear
- The Twins' Striders
- Zehtuka's Warfists
- The Twins' Footwear
- Zehtuka's Breeches
- Tixx's Grips
- Tixx's Footwear
- Tixx's Greaves
- Giftbringer's Striders
- Tixx's Tassets
- Giftbringer's Masque
- Tixx's Leggings
- Giftbringer's Footwear
- Giftbringer's Wristguards
- Giftbringer's Tassets
- Tixx's Warfists
- Giftbringer's Visor
- Tixx's Visor
- Giftbringer's Breeches
- Giftbringer's Leggings
- Giftbringer's Epaulets
- Giftbringer's Grips
- Tixx's Striders
- Giftbringer's Visage
- Tixx's Masque
- Giftbringer's Warfists
- Tixx's Epaulets
- Tixx's Breeches
- Giftbringer's Pauldrons
- Tixx's Visage
- Giftbringer's Greaves
- Tixx's Wristguards
- Giftbringer's Shoulderguard
- Tixx's Pauldrons
- Tixx's Shoulderguard
- Nerashi's Warfists
- Nerashi's Leggings
- Nerashi's Greaves
- Nerashi's Visor
- Nerashi's Epaulets
- Nerashi's Footwear
- Nerashi's Tassets
- Nerashi's Wristguards
- Nerashi's Breeches
- Nerashi's Pauldrons
- Nerashi's Masque
- Nerashi's Visage
- Nerashi's Striders
- Nerashi's Grips
- Nerashi's Shoulderguard
- Thackeray's Cloth Breather
- Maklain's Cloth Breather
- Thackeray's Leather Breather
- Ruka's Metal Breather
- Maklain's Metal Breather
- Tizlak's Leather Breather
- Laranthir's Metal Breather
- Tizlak's Metal Breather
- Laranthir's Cloth Breather
- Tizlak's Cloth Breather
- Ruka's Leather Breather
- Yassith's Metal Breather
- Laranthir's Leather Breather
- Maklain's Leather Breather
- Yassith's Leather Breather
- Ruka's Cloth Breather
- Yassith's Cloth Breather
- Thackeray's Metal Breather
- Steelstar's Striders
- Steelstar's Epaulets
- Steelstar's Wristguards
- Steelstar's Footwear
- Steelstar's Visor
- Steelstar's Leggings
- Steelstar's Tassets
- Steelstar's Pauldrons
- Steelstar's Grips
- Steelstar's Warfists
- Steelstar's Breeches
- Steelstar's Greaves
- Steelstar's Masque
- Steelstar's Visage
- Steelstar's Shoulderguard
- Togo's Grips
- Togo's Striders
- Suun's Masque
- Togo's Pauldrons
- Togo's Visage
- Togo's Masque
- Togo's Epaulets
- Togo's Leggings
- Suun's Breeches
- Togo's Wristguards
- Suun's Pauldrons
- Togo's Visor
- Togo's Footwear
- Suun's Warfists
- Suun's Leggings
- Suun's Striders
- Suun's Grips
- Suun's Tassets
- Suun's Shoulderguard
- Togo's Warfists
- Suun's Greaves
- Suun's Visage
- Togo's Tassets
- Suun's Footwear
- Togo's Breeches
- Suun's Epaulets
- Suun's Wristguards
- Togo's Shoulderguard
- Suun's Visor
- Togo's Greaves
Crafting Recipe Level 500 Detailed crafting recipe »
Lesser Vision Crystal
- 100x Dragonite Ore
- 100x Empyreal Fragment