Game Types

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Master's Finishing Kit
Crafting Material
Crafting Material
Used to craft decorations.
Account Bound

Recipes using this item (119)
Mists Griffon Statue
Hedge Corner
Library Shelf
Ascalonian Lamp
Green Cushion
Yellow Cushion
Divinity Streetlamp
Thorny Jack-o'-Lantern
Plush Sofa
Hedge Pillar
Potted Blue Moa Fern
Blue Cushion
Hedge Planter
Square Planter
Potted Reaching Gold Fern
Red Pirate Flag
Broken Mast Pole
Divinity Lamp
Plush Armchair
Gold Pillar
Capped Gold Pillar
Loaded Wagon
Crooked Thorny Mushroom
Potted Bamboo
Potted Bamboo Cluster
Potted Sprouting Night Thistle
Potted Maguuma Lily (Triple Bloom)
Lit Wagon
Square Candlestick
Thorny Mushroom
Thin Candlestick
Potted Mature Night Thistle
Gold Wall
Green Pirate Flag
Gold Firepit
Blue Pirate Flag
Rectangular Planter
Demolished Mast Pole
Refined Streetlamp
Wintersday Tree
Silver White Mantle Abomination Trophy
Silver Mordremoth Trophy
Silver Gorseval Trophy
Silver Tequatl Trophy
Silver Triple Trouble Trophy
Silver Slothasor Trophy
Silver Sabetha Trophy
Silver Chak Gerent Trophy
Silver Shatterer Trophy
Silver Vale Guardian Trophy
Silver Siege the Stronghold Trophy
Silver Keep Construct Trophy
Silver Xera Trophy
Large Block of the Solid Ocean
Wave of the Solid Ocean
Large Crystal Block of the Solid Ocean
Female Norn Holo-Dancer
Spire of the Solid Ocean
Male Norn Holo-Dancer
Eternal Flame
Silver Mursaat Overseer Trophy
Silver Samarog Trophy
Silver Cairn the Indomitable Trophy
Silver Deimos Trophy
Elonian Snake Statue
Elonian Hawk Statue
Elonian Stone Tower
Haunted Armchair
Silver River of Souls Trophy
Silver Statue of Grenth Trophy
Silver Dhuum Trophy
Silver Desmina Trophy
Silver Twin Largos Trophy
Silver Qadim Trophy
Silver Conjured Amalgamate Trophy
Decorated Casket
Ice Castle: Turret
Ice Castle: Roof
Ice Castle: Wall
Ice Castle: Floor
Silver Ether Djinn Trophy
Silver Cardinal Adina Trophy
Silver Cardinal Sabir Trophy
Dragon's Tooth Lantern
Dragon's Breath Lantern
Candy Cane Ramp
Giant Candy Cane
Candy Cane Beam
Dragon Bash Banner
Clock Tower Gear
Wintersday Star
Dragon Bash Firework Launcher
Dragon Bash Pylon
Zephyr Banner
Skewed Stairway (Left)
Skewed Stairway (Right)
Shattered Stairway
Infinirarium Deck
Windmill Wheel
Dock Crane
Glacier Overhang
Seitung Bridge
Canthan Stair Bridge
(Missing Item)
(Missing Item)
Super Grand Gate
Wrought Iron Dragon Tail
Wrought Iron Dragon Body
Wrought Iron Dragon Statue
Krytan Garden Column
Elonian Bazaar Shade
Antique Bell
Silver Ura Trophy
Silver Decima Trophy
Silver Greer Trophy
Jolly Bow
Crafting Recipe Level 300
Detailed crafting recipe »
Master's Finishing Kit
3x Silk Scrap
2x Mithril Ore