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Orichalcum Chisel
Crafting Material
Crafting Material
Used to refine decorations.
Account Bound

Recipes using this item (23)
Kormir Statue
Melandru Statue
Dwayna Statue
Mists Dolyak Statue
Elegant Pillar
Lyssa Statue
Grenth Statue
Balthazar Statue
Reindeer Ice Sculpture
Globe of Whispers
Snowman Ice Sculpture
Gingerbread-Man Ice Sculpture
Freezie's Heart Statue
Embellished Wintersday Star
Toymaker's Machine
Stone Dragon Head
Astral Ward Square Floor
Astral Ward Gate
Astral Ward Staircase
Astral Ward Pillar
Kryptis Platform
Kryptis Wall
Kryptis Pillar
Crafting Recipe Level 400
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Orichalcum Chisel