Minor Potion of Ogre Slaying |
125 |
Potion |
Minor Potion of Nightmare Court Slaying |
100 |
Potion |
Minor Potion of Krait Slaying |
125 |
Potion |
Minor Potion of Inquest Slaying |
100 |
Potion |
Minor Potion of Ice Brood Slaying |
125 |
Potion |
Minor Potion of Halloween Slaying |
125 |
Potion |
Minor Potion of Grawl Slaying |
125 |
Potion |
Minor Potion of Flame Legion Slaying |
100 |
Potion |
Minor Potion of Elemental Slaying |
125 |
Potion |
Minor Potion of Dredge Slaying |
125 |
Potion |
Minor Potion of Destroyer Slaying |
125 |
Potion |
Minor Potion of Demon Slaying |
125 |
Potion |
Minor Potion of Centaur Slaying |
100 |
Potion |
Mighty Green Wood Trident |
50 |
Trident |
Mighty Green Wood Trident |
0 |
Trident |
Mighty Green Wood Trident |
0 |
Trident |
Mighty Green Wood Staff |
0 |
Staff |
Mighty Green Wood Staff |
0 |
Staff |
Mighty Green Wood Staff |
50 |
Staff |
Mighty Green Wood Scepter |
0 |
Scepter |
Mighty Green Wood Scepter |
0 |
Scepter |
Mighty Green Wood Scepter |
50 |
Scepter |
Mighty Green Wood Focus |
50 |
Focus |
Mighty Green Wood Focus |
0 |
Focus |
Mighty Green Wood Focus |
0 |
Focus |
Mighty Green Inscription |
0 |
Inscription |
Mighty Bronze Plated Inscription |
50 |
Inscription |
Mathilde's Wand |
500 |
Scepter |
Mathilde's Trident |
500 |
Trident |
Mathilde's Spire |
500 |
Staff |
Mathilde's Dire Inscription |
500 |
Inscription |
Mathilde's Artifact |
500 |
Focus |
Master Tuning Crystal |
400 |
Consumable |
Marshal's Stellar Spire |
500 |
Staff |
Marshal's Stellar Scepter |
500 |
Scepter |
Marshal's Stellar Apparatus |
500 |
Focus |
Marshal's Astral Spire |
400 |
Staff |
Marshal's Astral Scepter |
400 |
Scepter |
Marshal's Astral Apparatus |
400 |
Focus |
Mark of the Unnamed |
450 |
Legendary Component |
Marauder Pearl Trident |
400 |
Trident |
Marauder Pearl Rod |
400 |
Scepter |
Marauder Pearl Quarterstaff |
400 |
Staff |
Marauder Pearl Conch |
400 |
Focus |
Marauder Orichalcum Imbued Inscription |
400 |
Inscription |
Marauder Icy Dragon Slayer Staff of Destroyer Slaying |
500 |
Staff |
Marauder Icy Dragon Slayer Scepter of Destroyer Slaying |
500 |
Scepter |
Marauder Icy Dragon Slayer Focus of Destroyer Slaying |
500 |
Focus |
Marauder Auric Staff |
400 |
Staff |
Marauder Auric Scepter |
400 |
Scepter |