Assassin's Godskull Musket |
275 |
Rifle |
Assassin's Godskull Harpoon Gun |
275 |
Speargun |
Assassin's Godskull Brazier |
275 |
Torch |
Assassin's Godskull Trumpet |
275 |
Warhorn |
Major Sigil of the Night |
275 |
Updrage |
Bringer's Ogre Hornbow |
275 |
Longbow |
Bringer's Ogre Harpoon Gun |
275 |
Speargun |
Bringer's Ogre Short Bow |
275 |
Shortbow |
Bringer's Ogre Blaze |
275 |
Torch |
Bringer's Ogre Harbinger |
275 |
Warhorn |
Bringer's Ogre Flintlock |
275 |
Pistol |
Bringer's Ogre Blaster |
275 |
Rifle |
Giver's Darksteel Imbued Inscription |
275 |
Inscription |
Intricate Huntsman's Backpack |
275 |
Backpack |
Intricate Huntsman's Tools |
275 |
Component |
Elder Wood Plank |
300 |
Refinement |
Mithril Ingot |
300 |
Refinement |
Cured Thick Leather Square |
300 |
Refinement |
Elder Wood Dowel |
300 |
Refinement |
Carrion Elder Inscription |
300 |
Inscription |
Knight's Elder Inscription |
300 |
Inscription |
Valkyrie Elder Inscription |
300 |
Inscription |
Quality Maintenance Oil |
300 |
Consumable |
Carrion Elder Wood Torch |
300 |
Torch |
Knight's Elder Wood Torch |
300 |
Torch |
Valkyrie Elder Wood Torch |
300 |
Torch |
Carrion Elder Wood Short Bow |
300 |
Shortbow |
Knight's Elder Wood Short Bow |
300 |
Shortbow |
Valkyrie Elder Wood Short Bow |
300 |
Shortbow |
Carrion Mithril Rifle |
300 |
Rifle |
Knight's Mithril Rifle |
300 |
Rifle |
Valkyrie Mithril Rifle |
300 |
Rifle |
Carrion Elder Wood Warhorn |
300 |
Warhorn |
Knight's Elder Wood Warhorn |
300 |
Warhorn |
Valkyrie Elder Wood Warhorn |
300 |
Warhorn |
Carrion Mithril Pistol |
300 |
Pistol |
Knight's Mithril Pistol |
300 |
Pistol |
Valkyrie Mithril Pistol |
300 |
Pistol |
Carrion Elder Wood Longbow |
300 |
Longbow |
Knight's Elder Wood Longbow |
300 |
Longbow |
Valkyrie Elder Wood Longbow |
300 |
Longbow |
Carrion Elder Wood Harpoon Gun |
300 |
Speargun |
Knight's Elder Wood Harpoon Gun |
300 |
Speargun |
Valkyrie Elder Wood Harpoon Gun |
300 |
Speargun |
Elder Harpoon |
300 |
Component |
Elder Longbow Stave |
300 |
Component |
Mithril Pistol Barrel |
300 |
Component |
Elder Pistol Frame |
300 |
Component |
Mithril Rifle Barrel |
300 |
Component |
Elder Rifle Stock |
300 |
Component |