Crafting recipes for Jeweler

657 results
Name Level Type asc
Burl Orichalcum Ring Burl Orichalcum Ring 400 Ring
Serpentite Orichalcum Ring Serpentite Orichalcum Ring 400 Ring
Agate Orichalcum Ring Agate Orichalcum Ring 400 Ring
Jade Orichalcum Ring Jade Orichalcum Ring 400 Ring
Mournstone Ring Mournstone Ring 400 Ring
Polished-Resin Orichalcum Ring Polished-Resin Orichalcum Ring 400 Ring
Flax Blossom Orichalcum Ring Flax Blossom Orichalcum Ring 400 Ring
Moonstone Orichalcum Ring Moonstone Orichalcum Ring 400 Ring
Lump of Mithrillium Lump of Mithrillium 400 Ectoplasm Refinement
Xunlai Electrum Ingot Xunlai Electrum Ingot 400 Refinement
Charged Fossil Charged Fossil 400 Refinement
Sheet of Ambrite Sheet of Ambrite 400 Refinement
Sheet of Charged Ambrite Sheet of Charged Ambrite 400 Refinement
Watchwork Mechanism Watchwork Mechanism 400 Refinement
Charged Thorn Charged Thorn 400 Refinement
Glass Mug Glass Mug 400 Refinement
Azurite Orb Azurite Orb 350 Refinement
Lump of Glass Lump of Glass 400 Refinement
Gold Ingot Gold Ingot 150 Refinement
Silver Ingot Silver Ingot 75 Refinement
Orichalcum Ingot Orichalcum Ingot 400 Refinement
Mithril Ingot Mithril Ingot 300 Refinement
Platinum Ingot Platinum Ingot 225 Refinement
Copper Ingot Copper Ingot 0 Refinement
Chrysocola Orb Chrysocola Orb 350 Refinement
Beryl Orb Beryl Orb 350 Refinement
Sapphire Crystal Sapphire Crystal 275 Refinement
Coral Orb Coral Orb 350 Refinement
Emerald Orb Emerald Orb 350 Refinement
Opal Orb Opal Orb 350 Refinement
Ruby Orb Ruby Orb 350 Refinement
Sapphire Orb Sapphire Orb 350 Refinement
Lapis Nugget Lapis Nugget 50 Refinement
Amethyst Lump Amethyst Lump 125 Refinement
Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystal 275 Refinement
Opal Crystal Opal Crystal 275 Refinement
Emerald Crystal Emerald Crystal 275 Refinement
Peridot Nugget Peridot Nugget 50 Refinement
Amethyst Nugget Amethyst Nugget 50 Refinement
Sunstone Nugget Sunstone Nugget 50 Refinement
Lapis Lump Lapis Lump 125 Refinement
Carnelian Lump Carnelian Lump 125 Refinement
Topaz Lump Topaz Lump 125 Refinement
Peridot Lump Peridot Lump 125 Refinement
Chrysocola Crystal Chrysocola Crystal 275 Refinement
Gold Doubloon Gold Doubloon 125 Refinement
Beryl Crystal Beryl Crystal 275 Refinement
Coral Tentacle Coral Tentacle 275 Refinement
Carnelian Nugget Carnelian Nugget 50 Refinement
Topaz Nugget Topaz Nugget 50 Refinement