![Relic of the Pack](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/100752.png) |
Relic of the Pack |
400 |
Updrage |
![Purified Rift Essence](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/100569.png) |
Purified Rift Essence |
400 |
Refinement |
![Relic of the Defender](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/100934.png) |
Relic of the Defender |
400 |
Updrage |
![Relic of the Thief](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/100916.png) |
Relic of the Thief |
400 |
Updrage |
![Neutralized Titan Alloy](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/102467.png) |
Neutralized Titan Alloy |
400 |
Refinement |
![Sweet-Treated Pine Plank](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/103103.png) |
Sweet-Treated Pine Plank |
400 |
Refinement |
![Dashing Tricorner](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/50188.png) |
Dashing Tricorner |
425 |
Helm |
![Highsteppers](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/50200.png) |
Highsteppers |
425 |
Boots |
![Highsteppers](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/50212.png) |
Highsteppers |
425 |
Boots |
![Many-Buckled Swash](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/50203.png) |
Many-Buckled Swash |
425 |
Coat |
![Many-Buckled Swash](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/50189.png) |
Many-Buckled Swash |
425 |
Coat |
![Irresistible Javalinas](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/50204.png) |
Irresistible Javalinas |
425 |
Gloves |
![Irresistible Javalinas](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/50205.png) |
Irresistible Javalinas |
425 |
Gloves |
![Dashing Tricorner](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/50209.png) |
Dashing Tricorner |
425 |
Helm |
![Stiletto Jodhpurs](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/50214.png) |
Stiletto Jodhpurs |
425 |
Leggings |
![Stiletto Jodhpurs](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/50215.png) |
Stiletto Jodhpurs |
425 |
Leggings |
![Breezy Backplate](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/50226.png) |
Breezy Backplate |
425 |
Shoulders |
![Breezy Backplate](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/50232.png) |
Breezy Backplate |
425 |
Shoulders |
![Ineffable Intricate Gossamer Insignia](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/50368.png) |
Ineffable Intricate Gossamer Insignia |
425 |
Insignia |
![Ineffable Embroidered Gossamer Insignia](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/50367.png) |
Ineffable Embroidered Gossamer Insignia |
425 |
Insignia |
![Elonian Leather Square](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46739.png) |
Elonian Leather Square |
450 |
Refinement |
![Bolt of Damask](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46741.png) |
Bolt of Damask |
450 |
Refinement |
![Bloodstone Brick](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46730.png) |
Bloodstone Brick |
450 |
Obsidian Refinement |
![Dragonite Ingot](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46732.png) |
Dragonite Ingot |
450 |
Obsidian Refinement |
![Empyreal Star](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46734.png) |
Empyreal Star |
450 |
Obsidian Refinement |
![Spool of Silk Weaving Thread](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46740.png) |
Spool of Silk Weaving Thread |
450 |
Ectoplasm Refinement |
![Lump of Mithrillium](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46742.png) |
Lump of Mithrillium |
450 |
Ectoplasm Refinement |
![Spool of Thick Elonian Cord](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46745.png) |
Spool of Thick Elonian Cord |
450 |
Ectoplasm Refinement |
![Ornate Guild Jerkin](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/75562.png) |
Ornate Guild Jerkin |
450 |
Coat |
![Ornate Guild Vambraces](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/76880.png) |
Ornate Guild Vambraces |
450 |
Gloves |
![Ornate Guild Shoulderpads](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/73258.png) |
Ornate Guild Shoulderpads |
450 |
Shoulders |
![Ornate Guild Leggings](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/71349.png) |
Ornate Guild Leggings |
450 |
Leggings |
![Ornate Guild Mask](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/73811.png) |
Ornate Guild Mask |
450 |
Helm |
![Ornate Guild Boots](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/73601.png) |
Ornate Guild Boots |
450 |
Boots |
![Dragon Hatchling Doll Hide](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/79790.png) |
Dragon Hatchling Doll Hide |
450 |
Component |
![Vision Crystal](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46746.png) |
Vision Crystal |
500 |
Component |
![Lesser Vision Crystal](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/49523.png) |
Lesser Vision Crystal |
500 |
Component |
![Wupwup Celestial Insignia](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46714.png) |
Wupwup Celestial Insignia |
500 |
Insignia |
![Occam's Carrion Insignia](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46715.png) |
Occam's Carrion Insignia |
500 |
Insignia |
![Ferratus's Rabid Insignia](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46726.png) |
Ferratus's Rabid Insignia |
500 |
Insignia |
![Morbach's Dire Insignia](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/48752.png) |
Morbach's Dire Insignia |
500 |
Insignia |
![Tateos's Cleric Insignia](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46716.png) |
Tateos's Cleric Insignia |
500 |
Insignia |
![Hronk's Magi Insignia](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46727.png) |
Hronk's Magi Insignia |
500 |
Insignia |
![Veldrunner Apothecary Insignia](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46717.png) |
Veldrunner Apothecary Insignia |
500 |
Insignia |
![Zojja's Berserker Insignia](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46719.png) |
Zojja's Berserker Insignia |
500 |
Insignia |
![Gobrech's Valkyrie Insignia](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46720.png) |
Gobrech's Valkyrie Insignia |
500 |
Insignia |
![Ahamid's Soldier Insignia](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46728.png) |
Ahamid's Soldier Insignia |
500 |
Insignia |
![Forgemaster's Rampager Insignia](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46721.png) |
Forgemaster's Rampager Insignia |
500 |
Insignia |
![Saphir's Assassin Insignia](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46718.png) |
Saphir's Assassin Insignia |
500 |
Insignia |
![Leftpaw's Settler Insignia](https://data.gw2.fr/db-icons/46729.png) |
Leftpaw's Settler Insignia |
500 |
Insignia |