Crafting recipes for Leatherworker

1953 results
Name asc Level Type
Strong Outlaw Mask Strong Outlaw Mask 100 Helm
Strong Outlaw Mask Strong Outlaw Mask 125 Helm
Strong Outlaw Gloves Strong Outlaw Gloves 100 Gloves
Strong Outlaw Gloves Strong Outlaw Gloves 125 Gloves
Strong Outlaw Coat Strong Outlaw Coat 100 Coat
Strong Outlaw Coat Strong Outlaw Coat 125 Coat
Strong Outlaw Boots Strong Outlaw Boots 100 Boots
Strong Outlaw Boots Strong Outlaw Boots 125 Boots
Strong Noble Shoulders Strong Noble Shoulders 200 Shoulders
Strong Noble Shoulders Strong Noble Shoulders 125 Shoulders
Strong Noble Pants Strong Noble Pants 125 Leggings
Strong Noble Pants Strong Noble Pants 200 Leggings
Strong Noble Mask Strong Noble Mask 125 Helm
Strong Noble Mask Strong Noble Mask 200 Helm
Strong Noble Gloves Strong Noble Gloves 125 Gloves
Strong Noble Gloves Strong Noble Gloves 200 Gloves
Strong Noble Coat Strong Noble Coat 125 Coat
Strong Noble Coat Strong Noble Coat 200 Coat
Strong Noble Boots Strong Noble Boots 200 Boots
Strong Noble Boots Strong Noble Boots 125 Boots
Strong Leather Shoulders Strong Leather Shoulders 175 Shoulders
Strong Leather Shoulders Strong Leather Shoulders 200 Shoulders
Strong Leather Shoes Strong Leather Shoes 175 Boots
Strong Leather Shoes Strong Leather Shoes 200 Boots
Strong Leather Pants Strong Leather Pants 175 Leggings
Strong Leather Pants Strong Leather Pants 200 Leggings
Strong Leather Mask Strong Leather Mask 175 Helm
Strong Leather Mask Strong Leather Mask 200 Helm
Strong Leather Gloves Strong Leather Gloves 175 Gloves
Strong Leather Gloves Strong Leather Gloves 200 Gloves
Strong Leather Coat Strong Leather Coat 175 Coat
Strong Leather Coat Strong Leather Coat 200 Coat
Strong Intricate Wool Insignia Strong Intricate Wool Insignia 125 Insignia
Strong Intricate Cotton Insignia Strong Intricate Cotton Insignia 200 Insignia
Strong Embroidered Wool Insignia Strong Embroidered Wool Insignia 125 Insignia
Strong Embroidered Cotton Insignia Strong Embroidered Cotton Insignia 200 Insignia
Strong Cotton Insignia Strong Cotton Insignia 175 Insignia
Stretched Rawhide Leather Square Stretched Rawhide Leather Square 0 Refinement
Stiletto Jodhpurs Stiletto Jodhpurs 425 Leggings
Stiletto Jodhpurs Stiletto Jodhpurs 425 Leggings
Steelstar's Visage Steelstar's Visage 500 Helm
Steelstar's Striders Steelstar's Striders 500 Boots
Steelstar's Shoulderguard Steelstar's Shoulderguard 500 Shoulders
Steelstar's Leggings Steelstar's Leggings 500 Leggings
Steelstar's Insignia Steelstar's Insignia 500 Insignia
Steelstar's Guise Steelstar's Guise 500 Coat
Steelstar's Grips Steelstar's Grips 500 Gloves
Steel Ingot Steel Ingot 150 Refinement
Square of Vabbian Silk Square of Vabbian Silk 500 Refinement
Spool of Thick Elonian Cord Spool of Thick Elonian Cord 450 Ectoplasm Refinement