Crafting recipes for Leatherworker

1966 results
Name Level Type asc
Superior Rune of Nature's Bounty Superior Rune of Nature's Bounty 400 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Dolyak Minor Rune of the Dolyak 400 Updrage
Major Rune of Rata Sum Major Rune of Rata Sum 400 Updrage
Major Rune of Mercy Major Rune of Mercy 400 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Grove Minor Rune of the Grove 400 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Pack Minor Rune of the Pack 400 Updrage
Superior Rune of the Citadel Superior Rune of the Citadel 400 Updrage
Minor Rune of Rata Sum Minor Rune of Rata Sum 400 Updrage
Minor Rune of Scavenging Minor Rune of Scavenging 400 Updrage
Major Rune of Balthazar Major Rune of Balthazar 400 Updrage
Superior Rune of the Dolyak Superior Rune of the Dolyak 400 Updrage
Major Rune of the Eagle Major Rune of the Eagle 400 Updrage
Superior Rune of the Grove Superior Rune of the Grove 400 Updrage
Major Rune of the Flock Major Rune of the Flock 400 Updrage
Major Rune of the Ogre Major Rune of the Ogre 250 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Engineer Minor Rune of the Engineer 0 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Thief Minor Rune of the Thief 0 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Ranger Minor Rune of the Ranger 25 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Adventurer Minor Rune of the Adventurer 25 Updrage
Major Rune of the Ice Major Rune of the Ice 275 Updrage
Major Rune of the Thief Major Rune of the Thief 200 Updrage
Major Rune of the Ranger Major Rune of the Ranger 225 Updrage
Major Rune of the Engineer Major Rune of the Engineer 200 Updrage
Minor Rune of Speed Minor Rune of Speed 75 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Ice Minor Rune of the Ice 75 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Wurm Minor Rune of the Wurm 50 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Ogre Minor Rune of the Ogre 50 Updrage
Minor Rune of Speed Minor Rune of Speed 175 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Ice Minor Rune of the Ice 175 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Wurm Minor Rune of the Wurm 150 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Ogre Minor Rune of the Ogre 150 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Thief Minor Rune of the Thief 100 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Ranger Minor Rune of the Ranger 125 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Engineer Minor Rune of the Engineer 100 Updrage
Rune of Life Rune of Life 10 Updrage
Major Rune of the Ogre Major Rune of the Ogre 350 Updrage
Major Rune of the Ice Major Rune of the Ice 375 Updrage
Major Rune of the Thief Major Rune of the Thief 300 Updrage
Major Rune of the Ranger Major Rune of the Ranger 325 Updrage
Major Rune of the Engineer Major Rune of the Engineer 300 Updrage
Major Rune of the Adventurer Major Rune of the Adventurer 325 Updrage
Major Rune of the Wurm Major Rune of the Wurm 250 Updrage
Major Rune of Speed Major Rune of Speed 375 Updrage
Major Rune of the Wurm Major Rune of the Wurm 350 Updrage
Major Rune of Speed Major Rune of Speed 275 Updrage
Superior Rune of the Ranger Superior Rune of the Ranger 400 Updrage
Superior Rune of the Adventurer Superior Rune of the Adventurer 400 Updrage
Superior Rune of the Wurm Superior Rune of the Wurm 400 Updrage
Superior Rune of the Ogre Superior Rune of the Ogre 400 Updrage
Superior Rune of the Ice Superior Rune of the Ice 400 Updrage