Carrion Embroidered Linen Insignia
Crafting Material
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of armor with +Condition Damage, +Power, and +Vitality.

Recipes using this item (18)
Carrion Tempered Scale Greaves
Carrion Tempered Scale Gauntlets
Carrion Tempered Scale Chestplate
Carrion Tempered Scale Helm
Carrion Tempered Scale Pauldrons
Carrion Tempered Scale Legs
Carrion Rascal Pants
Carrion Rascal Shoulders
Carrion Rascal Boots
Carrion Rascal Gloves
Carrion Rascal Coat
Carrion Rascal Mask
Carrion Winged Pants
Carrion Winged Gloves
Carrion Winged Boots
Carrion Winged Mantle
Carrion Winged Headpiece
Carrion Winged Tunic
Crafting Recipe Level 275
Detailed crafting recipe »
Carrion Embroidered Linen Insignia
8x Heavy Bone
2x Linen Scrap