Celestial Pearl Rod |
400 |
Scepter |
Celestial Pearl Quarterstaff |
400 |
Staff |
Celestial Pearl Trident |
400 |
Trident |
Watchwork Portal Device |
400 |
Potion |
Superior Sigil of Malice |
400 |
Updrage |
Twisted Watchwork Portal Device |
400 |
Potion |
Settler's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription |
400 |
Inscription |
Rabid Pearl Rod |
400 |
Scepter |
Dire Pearl Rod |
400 |
Scepter |
Magi's Pearl Rod |
400 |
Scepter |
Soldier's Pearl Rod |
400 |
Scepter |
Settler's Pearl Rod |
400 |
Scepter |
Cavalier's Pearl Rod |
400 |
Scepter |
Shaman's Pearl Rod |
400 |
Scepter |
Rabid Pearl Conch |
400 |
Focus |
Dire Pearl Conch |
400 |
Focus |
Magi's Pearl Conch |
400 |
Focus |
Soldier's Pearl Conch |
400 |
Focus |
Settler's Pearl Conch |
400 |
Focus |
Cavalier's Pearl Conch |
400 |
Focus |
Shaman's Pearl Conch |
400 |
Focus |
Rabid Pearl Quarterstaff |
400 |
Staff |
Dire Pearl Quarterstaff |
400 |
Staff |
Magi's Pearl Quarterstaff |
400 |
Staff |
Soldier's Pearl Quarterstaff |
400 |
Staff |
Settler's Pearl Quarterstaff |
400 |
Staff |
Cavalier's Pearl Quarterstaff |
400 |
Staff |
Shaman's Pearl Quarterstaff |
400 |
Staff |
Rabid Pearl Trident |
400 |
Trident |
Dire Pearl Trident |
400 |
Trident |
Magi's Pearl Trident |
400 |
Trident |
Soldier's Pearl Trident |
400 |
Trident |
Settler's Pearl Trident |
400 |
Trident |
Cavalier's Pearl Trident |
400 |
Trident |
Shaman's Pearl Trident |
400 |
Trident |
Superior Sigil of Torment |
400 |
Updrage |
Infinite Toxic Krait Tonic |
400 |
Consumable |
Superior Sigil of Momentum |
400 |
Updrage |
Endless Toy Ventari Tonic |
400 |
Consumable |
Endless Toy Soldier Tonic |
400 |
Consumable |
Endless Princess Doll Tonic |
400 |
Consumable |
Endless Plush Griffon Tonic |
400 |
Consumable |
Endless Toy Golem Tonic |
400 |
Consumable |
Zealot's Pearl Conch |
400 |
Focus |
Watchwork Mechanism |
400 |
Refinement |
Zealot's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription |
400 |
Inscription |
Zealot's Pearl Rod |
400 |
Scepter |
Zealot's Pearl Quarterstaff |
400 |
Staff |
Zealot's Pearl Trident |
400 |
Trident |
Ineffable Mithril Imbued Inscription |
400 |
Inscription |