Handcrafted Impulse Spire |
400 |
Staff |
Handcrafted Discharging Pole |
400 |
Staff |
Elegant Artificer's Backpack |
400 |
Backpack |
Elegant Artificer's Tools |
400 |
Component |
Nomad's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription |
400 |
Inscription |
Sheet of Ambrite |
400 |
Refinement |
Nomad's Pearl Conch |
400 |
Focus |
Nomad's Pearl Quarterstaff |
400 |
Staff |
Nomad's Pearl Trident |
400 |
Trident |
Nomad's Pearl Rod |
400 |
Scepter |
Hymenoptera |
400 |
Staff |
Spirobolidae |
400 |
Focus |
Latrodectus |
400 |
Scepter |
Clay Pot |
400 |
Component |
Superior Sigil of Cleansing |
400 |
Updrage |
Superior Sigil of Cruelty |
400 |
Updrage |
Superior Sigil of Incapacitation |
400 |
Updrage |
Krait Tuning Crystal |
400 |
Consumable |
Bottle of Batwing Brew |
400 |
Consumable |
Lump of Crystallized Nougat |
400 |
Consumable |
Vial of Maize Balm |
400 |
Consumable |
Sinister Orichalcum Imbued Inscription |
400 |
Inscription |
Sheet of Charged Ambrite |
400 |
Refinement |
Sinister Pearl Rod |
400 |
Scepter |
Sinister Pearl Conch |
400 |
Focus |
Sinister Pearl Trident |
400 |
Trident |
Sinister Pearl Quarterstaff |
400 |
Staff |
Superior Sigil of Blight |
400 |
Updrage |
Minstrel's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription |
400 |
Inscription |
Charged Fossil |
400 |
Refinement |
Oiled Orichalcum Trident Head |
400 |
Component |
Berserker's Auric Staff |
400 |
Staff |
Marauder Orichalcum Imbued Inscription |
400 |
Inscription |
Cleric's Auric Focus |
400 |
Focus |
Rampager's Auric Scepter |
400 |
Scepter |
Wanderer's Pearl Rod |
400 |
Scepter |
Jar of Yellow Paint |
400 |
Legendary Component |
Vigilant Pearl Rod |
400 |
Scepter |
Marauder Pearl Trident |
400 |
Trident |
Krait Focusing Crystal |
400 |
Legendary Component |
Valkyrie Auric Staff |
400 |
Staff |
Commander's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription |
400 |
Inscription |
Vial of Cadmium Salts |
400 |
Legendary Component |
Marauder Pearl Conch |
400 |
Focus |
Greater Potion of Auric Attunement |
400 |
Potion |
Oiled Ancient Focus Casing |
400 |
Component |
Carrion Auric Staff |
400 |
Staff |
Auric Ingot |
400 |
Refinement |
Jar of Luminesce Polish |
400 |
Legendary Component |
Vigilant Pearl Trident |
400 |
Trident |