Togo's Visage |
500 |
Helm |
Togo's Guise |
500 |
Coat |
Suun's Dragon Insignia |
500 |
Insignia |
Togo's Leggings |
500 |
Leggings |
Suun's Guise |
500 |
Coat |
Suun's Leggings |
500 |
Leggings |
Suun's Striders |
500 |
Boots |
Suun's Grips |
500 |
Gloves |
Suun's Shoulderguard |
500 |
Shoulders |
Suun's Visage |
500 |
Helm |
Togo's Ritualist Insignia |
500 |
Insignia |
Togo's Shoulderguard |
500 |
Shoulders |
Obsidian Medium Leggings |
500 |
Leggings |
Obsidian Medium Boots |
500 |
Boots |
Obsidian Medium Jacket |
500 |
Coat |
Obsidian Medium Mask |
500 |
Helm |
Obsidian Medium Gloves |
500 |
Gloves |
Obsidian Medium Shoulders |
500 |
Shoulders |
Elonian Leather Square |
450 |
Refinement |
Bolt of Damask |
450 |
Refinement |
Bloodstone Brick |
450 |
Obsidian Refinement |
Dragonite Ingot |
450 |
Obsidian Refinement |
Empyreal Star |
450 |
Obsidian Refinement |
Spool of Silk Weaving Thread |
450 |
Ectoplasm Refinement |
Lump of Mithrillium |
450 |
Ectoplasm Refinement |
Spool of Thick Elonian Cord |
450 |
Ectoplasm Refinement |
Ornate Guild Jerkin |
450 |
Coat |
Ornate Guild Vambraces |
450 |
Gloves |
Ornate Guild Shoulderpads |
450 |
Shoulders |
Ornate Guild Leggings |
450 |
Leggings |
Ornate Guild Mask |
450 |
Helm |
Ornate Guild Boots |
450 |
Boots |
Dragon Hatchling Doll Hide |
450 |
Component |
Dashing Tricorner |
425 |
Helm |
Highsteppers |
425 |
Boots |
Highsteppers |
425 |
Boots |
Many-Buckled Swash |
425 |
Coat |
Many-Buckled Swash |
425 |
Coat |
Irresistible Javalinas |
425 |
Gloves |
Irresistible Javalinas |
425 |
Gloves |
Dashing Tricorner |
425 |
Helm |
Stiletto Jodhpurs |
425 |
Leggings |
Stiletto Jodhpurs |
425 |
Leggings |
Breezy Backplate |
425 |
Shoulders |
Breezy Backplate |
425 |
Shoulders |
Ineffable Intricate Gossamer Insignia |
425 |
Insignia |
Ineffable Embroidered Gossamer Insignia |
425 |
Insignia |
Bolt of Gossamer |
400 |
Refinement |
Cured Hardened Leather Square |
400 |
Refinement |
Carrion Intricate Gossamer Insignia |
400 |
Insignia |