Crafting recipes for Scribe

830 results
Name Level asc Type
Toymaker's Machine Toymaker's Machine 400 Guild Decoration
Stone Dragon Head Stone Dragon Head 400 Guild Decoration
Racing Checkpoint Projector Racing Checkpoint Projector 400 Guild Decoration
Racing Power-Up Projector Racing Power-Up Projector 400 Guild Decoration
Griffon Rental Post Griffon Rental Post 400 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Square Floor Astral Ward Square Floor 400 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Gate Astral Ward Gate 400 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Door Astral Ward Door 400 Guild Decoration
Academic Light Academic Light 400 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Staircase Astral Ward Staircase 400 Guild Decoration
Academic Wall Academic Wall 400 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Tiled Circular Platform Astral Ward Tiled Circular Platform 400 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Orb Stand Astral Ward Orb Stand 400 Guild Decoration
Complete Academic Arch Complete Academic Arch 400 Guild Decoration
Tall Academic Arch Tall Academic Arch 400 Guild Decoration
Academic Wall with Windows Academic Wall with Windows 400 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Pillar Astral Ward Pillar 400 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Wall Astral Ward Wall 400 Guild Decoration
Amalgamated Rift Essence Amalgamated Rift Essence 400 Refinement
Round Academic Column Round Academic Column 400 Guild Decoration
Partial Academic Arch Partial Academic Arch 400 Guild Decoration
Purified Rift Essence Purified Rift Essence 400 Refinement
Square Academic Column Square Academic Column 400 Guild Decoration
Raptor Rental Post Raptor Rental Post 400 Guild Decoration
Kryptis Bush Kryptis Bush 400 Guild Decoration
Kryptis Platform Kryptis Platform 400 Guild Decoration
Kryptis Goo Plane Kryptis Goo Plane 400 Guild Decoration
Kryptis Door (Tall and Wide) Kryptis Door (Tall and Wide) 400 Guild Decoration
Kryptis Stair Kryptis Stair 400 Guild Decoration
Kryptis Wall Kryptis Wall 400 Guild Decoration
Kryptis Pillar Kryptis Pillar 400 Guild Decoration
Kryptis Square Floor Kryptis Square Floor 400 Guild Decoration
Springer Rental Post Springer Rental Post 400 Guild Decoration
Skyscale Rental Post Skyscale Rental Post 400 Guild Decoration
Skimmer Rental Post Skimmer Rental Post 400 Guild Decoration
Warclaw Rental Post Warclaw Rental Post 400 Guild Decoration
Antique Bell Antique Bell 400 Guild Decoration
Haunted Bell Haunted Bell 400 Guild Decoration
Gold Greer Trophy Gold Greer Trophy 400 Guild Decoration
Gold Decima Trophy Gold Decima Trophy 400 Guild Decoration
Gold Ura Trophy Gold Ura Trophy 400 Guild Decoration
Hedge Corner Hedge Corner 375 Guild Decoration
Ascalonian Lamp Ascalonian Lamp 375 Guild Decoration
Schematic: Watchtower Schematic: Watchtower 375 Guild Consumable (WvW)
Crooked Thorny Mushroom Crooked Thorny Mushroom 375 Guild Decoration
Schematic: Presence of the Keep Schematic: Presence of the Keep 375 Guild Consumable (WvW)
Gold Wall Gold Wall 375 Guild Decoration
Hedge Hedge 375 Guild Decoration
Refined Streetlamp Refined Streetlamp 375 Guild Decoration
Wintersday Tree Wintersday Tree 375 Guild Decoration