Crafting recipes for Scribe

813 results
Name desc Level Type
Super Rock Wall Super Rock Wall 200 Guild Decoration
Super Short Cliff Face Super Short Cliff Face 200 Guild Decoration
Super Small Rock Super Small Rock 50 Guild Decoration
Super Snow Floor Super Snow Floor 100 Guild Decoration
Super Snowy Cliff Face Super Snowy Cliff Face 200 Guild Decoration
Super Tall Cliff Face Super Tall Cliff Face 200 Guild Decoration
Super Tree Super Tree 75 Guild Decoration
Super Tree Branch Super Tree Branch 100 Guild Decoration
Super Tree Trunk Super Tree Trunk 100 Guild Decoration
Superior Sigil of Agility Superior Sigil of Agility 225 Updrage
Superior Sigil of Concentration Superior Sigil of Concentration 225 Updrage
Superior Sigil of Transference Superior Sigil of Transference 225 Updrage
Sylvari Summit Banner Sylvari Summit Banner 275 Guild Decoration
Sylvari Summit Flag Sylvari Summit Flag 225 Guild Decoration
Tall Academic Arch Tall Academic Arch 400 Guild Decoration
Tall Candlestick Tall Candlestick 400 Guild Decoration
Tall Elonian Column Tall Elonian Column 275 Guild Decoration
Tall Lattice Tall Lattice 150 Guild Decoration
Thesis on Accuracy Thesis on Accuracy 125 Feast
Thesis on Basic Accuracy Thesis on Basic Accuracy 50 Feast
Thesis on Basic Malice Thesis on Basic Malice 50 Feast
Thesis on Basic Speed Thesis on Basic Speed 275 Feast
Thesis on Basic Strength Thesis on Basic Strength 50 Feast
Thesis on Calculated Accuracy Thesis on Calculated Accuracy 275 Feast
Thesis on Calculated Malice Thesis on Calculated Malice 275 Feast
Thesis on Calculated Strength Thesis on Calculated Strength 275 Feast
Thesis on Learned Accuracy Thesis on Learned Accuracy 350 Feast
Thesis on Learned Malice Thesis on Learned Malice 350 Feast
Thesis on Learned Strength Thesis on Learned Strength 350 Feast
Thesis on Malice Thesis on Malice 125 Feast
Thesis on Masterful Accuracy Thesis on Masterful Accuracy 400 Feast
Thesis on Masterful Malice Thesis on Masterful Malice 400 Feast
Thesis on Masterful Strength Thesis on Masterful Strength 400 Feast
Thesis on Speed Thesis on Speed 350 Feast
Thesis on Strength Thesis on Strength 125 Feast
Thesis on Studied Accuracy Thesis on Studied Accuracy 200 Feast
Thesis on Studied Malice Thesis on Studied Malice 200 Feast
Thesis on Studied Speed Thesis on Studied Speed 400 Feast
Thesis on Studied Strength Thesis on Studied Strength 200 Feast
Thin Candlestick Thin Candlestick 350 Guild Decoration
Thorny Jack-o'-Lantern Thorny Jack-o'-Lantern 350 Guild Decoration
Thorny Mushroom Thorny Mushroom 325 Guild Decoration
Throne Throne 125 Guild Decoration
Tiger Statue Tiger Statue 325 Guild Decoration
Toymaker's Machine Toymaker's Machine 400 Guild Decoration
Tray of Eggnog Tray of Eggnog 100 Guild Decoration
Triumphant Dragon Bash Poster Triumphant Dragon Bash Poster 200 Guild Decoration
Tyrian Globe Tyrian Globe 400 Guild Decoration
Unchained Platform Unchained Platform 250 Guild Decoration
Unimpressive King Frog Unimpressive King Frog 100 Guild Decoration