Crafting recipes for Scribe

830 results
Name asc Level Type
Awakened Tar Pit Awakened Tar Pit 400 Guild Decoration
Awakened Tar Drip Awakened Tar Drip 400 Guild Decoration
Awakened Bone Wall Awakened Bone Wall 400 Guild Decoration
Awakened Bone Column Awakened Bone Column 400 Guild Decoration
Asuran Summit Flag Asuran Summit Flag 225 Guild Decoration
Asuran Summit Banner Asuran Summit Banner 275 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Wall Astral Ward Wall 400 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Tiled Circular Platform Astral Ward Tiled Circular Platform 400 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Staircase Astral Ward Staircase 400 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Square Floor Astral Ward Square Floor 400 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Pillar Astral Ward Pillar 400 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Orb Stand Astral Ward Orb Stand 400 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Gate Astral Ward Gate 400 Guild Decoration
Astral Ward Door Astral Ward Door 400 Guild Decoration
Ascalonian Tree Ascalonian Tree 400 Guild Decoration
Ascalonian Pillar Ascalonian Pillar 225 Guild Decoration
Ascalonian Lamp Ascalonian Lamp 375 Guild Decoration
Arrow Pattern Snowflake Platform Arrow Pattern Snowflake Platform 100 Guild Decoration
Arrow Cart Blueprints Arrow Cart Blueprints 200 Guild Consumable (WvW)
Armor Stand Armor Stand 75 Guild Decoration
Antler Pattern Snowflake Platform Antler Pattern Snowflake Platform 100 Guild Decoration
Antique Bell Antique Bell 400 Guild Decoration
Ancient Wood Pulp Ancient Wood Pulp 400 Refinement
Ancient Wood Plank Ancient Wood Plank 400 Refinement
Ancient Wood Pen Ancient Wood Pen 400 Component
Amalgamated Rift Essence Amalgamated Rift Essence 400 Refinement
Adorned Book Adorned Book 250 Component
Academic Wall with Windows Academic Wall with Windows 400 Guild Decoration
Academic Wall Academic Wall 400 Guild Decoration
Academic Light Academic Light 400 Guild Decoration