Strong Gladiator Pauldrons |
200 |
Shoulders |
Vigorous Gladiator Pauldrons |
200 |
Shoulders |
Hearty Gladiator Pauldrons |
200 |
Shoulders |
Box of Ravaging Splint Armor |
200 |
Bulk |
Box of Rejuvenating Splint Armor |
200 |
Bulk |
Box of Honed Splint Armor |
200 |
Bulk |
Box of Hunter's Splint Armor |
200 |
Bulk |
Box of Strong Splint Armor |
200 |
Bulk |
Box of Vigorous Splint Armor |
200 |
Bulk |
Box of Hearty Splint Armor |
200 |
Bulk |
Box of Ravaging Gladiator Armor |
200 |
Bulk |
Box of Rejuvenating Gladiator Armor |
200 |
Bulk |
Box of Honed Gladiator Armor |
200 |
Bulk |
Box of Hunter's Gladiator Armor |
200 |
Bulk |
Box of Strong Gladiator Armor |
200 |
Bulk |
Box of Vigorous Gladiator Armor |
200 |
Bulk |
Box of Hearty Gladiator Armor |
200 |
Bulk |
Giver's Splint Pauldrons |
200 |
Shoulders |
Giver's Splint Legs |
200 |
Leggings |
Giver's Splint Helm |
200 |
Helm |
Giver's Splint Gauntlets |
200 |
Gloves |
Giver's Splint Coat |
200 |
Coat |
Giver's Splint Greaves |
200 |
Boots |
Box of Giver's Splint Armor |
200 |
Bulk |
Cotton Patch |
200 |
Refinement |
Strong Cotton Insignia |
175 |
Insignia |
Honed Cotton Insignia |
175 |
Insignia |
Hearty Cotton Insignia |
175 |
Insignia |
Rejuvenating Cotton Insignia |
175 |
Insignia |
Strong Splint Gauntlets |
175 |
Gloves |
Honed Splint Gauntlets |
175 |
Gloves |
Hearty Splint Gauntlets |
175 |
Gloves |
Strong Splint Coat |
175 |
Coat |
Honed Splint Coat |
175 |
Coat |
Hearty Splint Coat |
175 |
Coat |
Strong Splint Greaves |
175 |
Boots |
Honed Splint Greaves |
175 |
Boots |
Hearty Splint Greaves |
175 |
Boots |
Strong Splint Helm |
175 |
Helm |
Honed Splint Helm |
175 |
Helm |
Hearty Splint Helm |
175 |
Helm |
Strong Splint Legs |
175 |
Leggings |
Honed Splint Legs |
175 |
Leggings |
Hearty Splint Legs |
175 |
Leggings |
Strong Splint Pauldrons |
175 |
Shoulders |
Honed Splint Pauldrons |
175 |
Shoulders |
Hearty Splint Pauldrons |
175 |
Shoulders |
12 Slot Equipment Box |
175 |
Bag |
12 Slot Safe Box |
175 |
Bag |
Rejuvenating Splint Gauntlets |
175 |
Gloves |