Crafting recipes for Armorsmith

1958 results
Name asc Level Type
Sentinel's Barbaric Legplates Sentinel's Barbaric Legplates 325 Leggings
Sentinel's Barbaric Legplates Sentinel's Barbaric Legplates 350 Leggings
Sentinel's Barbaric Helm Sentinel's Barbaric Helm 325 Helm
Sentinel's Barbaric Helm Sentinel's Barbaric Helm 350 Helm
Sentinel's Barbaric Gloves Sentinel's Barbaric Gloves 325 Gloves
Sentinel's Barbaric Gloves Sentinel's Barbaric Gloves 350 Gloves
Sentinel's Barbaric Coat Sentinel's Barbaric Coat 325 Coat
Sentinel's Barbaric Coat Sentinel's Barbaric Coat 350 Coat
Sentinel's Barbaric Boots Sentinel's Barbaric Boots 325 Boots
Sentinel's Barbaric Boots Sentinel's Barbaric Boots 350 Boots
Second Order Mist Frame Second Order Mist Frame 500 Legendary Component
Saphir's Warfists Saphir's Warfists 500 Gloves
Saphir's Visor Saphir's Visor 500 Helm
Saphir's Tassets Saphir's Tassets 500 Leggings
Saphir's Pauldrons Saphir's Pauldrons 500 Shoulders
Saphir's Metal Breather Saphir's Metal Breather 500 Helm
Saphir's Greaves Saphir's Greaves 500 Boots
Saphir's Breastplate Saphir's Breastplate 500 Coat
Saphir's Assassin Insignia Saphir's Assassin Insignia 500 Insignia
Rune of Life Rune of Life 10 Updrage
Ruka's Warfists Ruka's Warfists 500 Gloves
Ruka's Wanderer's Insignia Ruka's Wanderer's Insignia 500 Insignia
Ruka's Visor Ruka's Visor 500 Helm
Ruka's Tassets Ruka's Tassets 500 Leggings
Ruka's Pauldrons Ruka's Pauldrons 500 Shoulders
Ruka's Metal Breather Ruka's Metal Breather 500 Helm
Ruka's Greaves Ruka's Greaves 500 Boots
Ruka's Breastplate Ruka's Breastplate 500 Coat
Resilient Jute Insignia Resilient Jute Insignia 25 Insignia
Resilient Embroidered Jute Insignia Resilient Embroidered Jute Insignia 50 Insignia
Resilient Chain Pauldrons Resilient Chain Pauldrons 50 Shoulders
Resilient Chain Pauldrons Resilient Chain Pauldrons 50 Shoulders
Resilient Chain Legs Resilient Chain Legs 25 Leggings
Resilient Chain Legs Resilient Chain Legs 50 Leggings
Resilient Chain Helm Resilient Chain Helm 25 Helm
Resilient Chain Helm Resilient Chain Helm 50 Helm
Resilient Chain Gauntlets Resilient Chain Gauntlets 25 Gloves
Resilient Chain Gauntlets Resilient Chain Gauntlets 50 Gloves
Resilient Chain Coat Resilient Chain Coat 25 Coat
Resilient Chain Coat Resilient Chain Coat 50 Coat
Resilient Chain Boots Resilient Chain Boots 50 Boots
Resilient Chain Boots Resilient Chain Boots 25 Boots
Relic of the Zephyrite Relic of the Zephyrite 400 Updrage
Relic of the Weaver Relic of the Weaver 400 Updrage
Relic of the Water Relic of the Water 400 Updrage
Relic of the Warrior Relic of the Warrior 400 Updrage
Relic of the Trooper Relic of the Trooper 400 Updrage
Relic of the Thief Relic of the Thief 400 Updrage
Relic of the Sunless Relic of the Sunless 400 Updrage
Relic of the Scourge Relic of the Scourge 400 Updrage