Revenant's Inscription |
500 |
Inscription |
Nerashi's Inscription |
500 |
Inscription |
Nerashi's Revolver |
500 |
Pistol |
Nerashi's Greatbow |
500 |
Longbow |
Nerashi's Harpoon Gun |
500 |
Speargun |
Nerashi's Herald |
500 |
Warhorn |
Call of the Void |
500 |
Legendary Component |
Nerashi's Brazier |
500 |
Torch |
Nerashi's Short Bow |
500 |
Shortbow |
Nerashi's Musket |
500 |
Rifle |
Steelstar's Revolver |
500 |
Pistol |
Steelstar's Brazier |
500 |
Torch |
Steelstar's Herald |
500 |
Warhorn |
Steelstar's Inscription |
500 |
Inscription |
Heroic Dragonsblood Torch |
500 |
Torch |
Spero |
500 |
Legendary Component |
Steelstar's Short Bow |
500 |
Shortbow |
Steelstar's Greatbow |
500 |
Longbow |
Heroic Dragonsblood Pistol |
500 |
Pistol |
Steelstar's Harpoon Gun |
500 |
Speargun |
Heroic Dragonsblood Warhorn |
500 |
Warhorn |
Heroic Dragonsblood Short Bow |
500 |
Shortbow |
Heroic Dragonsblood Rifle |
500 |
Rifle |
Steelstar's Musket |
500 |
Rifle |
Heroic Dragonsblood Longbow |
500 |
Longbow |
Marauder Icy Dragon Slayer Short Bow of Destroyer Slaying |
500 |
Shortbow |
Viper's Fiery Dragon Slayer Torch of Icebrood Slaying |
500 |
Torch |
Marauder Icy Dragon Slayer Torch of Destroyer Slaying |
500 |
Torch |
Marauder Icy Dragon Slayer Pistol of Destroyer Slaying |
500 |
Pistol |
Marauder Icy Dragon Slayer Warhorn of Destroyer Slaying |
500 |
Warhorn |
Viper's Fiery Dragon Slayer Longbow of Icebrood Slaying |
500 |
Longbow |
Marauder Icy Dragon Slayer Longbow of Destroyer Slaying |
500 |
Longbow |
Viper's Fiery Dragon Slayer Pistol of Icebrood Slaying |
500 |
Pistol |
Viper's Fiery Dragon Slayer Warhorn of Icebrood Slaying |
500 |
Warhorn |
Marauder Icy Dragon Slayer Rifle of Destroyer Slaying |
500 |
Rifle |
Viper's Fiery Dragon Slayer Short Bow of Icebrood Slaying |
500 |
Shortbow |
Viper's Fiery Dragon Slayer Rifle of Icebrood Slaying |
500 |
Rifle |
Fortified Precursor Warhorn Mouthpiece |
500 |
Component |
Fortified Precursor Horn |
500 |
Component |
Togo's Greatbow |
500 |
Longbow |
Dragon's Persuasion |
500 |
Rifle |
Dragon's Breath |
500 |
Torch |
Suun's Herald |
500 |
Warhorn |
Suun's Short Bow |
500 |
Shortbow |
Fortified Precursor Longbow Stave |
500 |
Component |
Suun's Revolver |
500 |
Pistol |
Togo's Short Bow |
500 |
Shortbow |
Fortified Precursor Torch Handle |
500 |
Component |
Dragon's Flight |
500 |
Longbow |
Togo's Herald |
500 |
Warhorn |