Crafting recipes for Tailor

1967 results
Name Level asc Type
Healing Embroidered Pants Healing Embroidered Pants 25 Leggings
Precise Embroidered Pants Precise Embroidered Pants 25 Leggings
Resilient Embroidered Pants Resilient Embroidered Pants 25 Leggings
Malign Embroidered Mask Malign Embroidered Mask 25 Helm
Healing Embroidered Mask Healing Embroidered Mask 25 Helm
Mighty Embroidered Mask Mighty Embroidered Mask 25 Helm
Precise Embroidered Mask Precise Embroidered Mask 25 Helm
Resilient Embroidered Mask Resilient Embroidered Mask 25 Helm
Vital Embroidered Mask Vital Embroidered Mask 25 Helm
Minor Rune of the Necromancer Minor Rune of the Necromancer 25 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Scholar Minor Rune of the Scholar 25 Updrage
8 Slot Craftsman's Bag 8 Slot Craftsman's Bag 25 Bag
8 Slot Invisible Bag 8 Slot Invisible Bag 25 Bag
Healing Embroidered Wristguards Healing Embroidered Wristguards 25 Gloves
Precise Embroidered Wristguards Precise Embroidered Wristguards 25 Gloves
Resilient Embroidered Wristguards Resilient Embroidered Wristguards 25 Gloves
Satchel of Healing Embroidered Armor Satchel of Healing Embroidered Armor 25 Bulk
Satchel of Precise Embroidered Armor Satchel of Precise Embroidered Armor 25 Bulk
Satchel of Resilient Embroidered Armor Satchel of Resilient Embroidered Armor 25 Bulk
Giver's Embroidered Jute Insignia Giver's Embroidered Jute Insignia 25 Insignia
Giver's Embroidered Pants Giver's Embroidered Pants 25 Leggings
Giver's Embroidered Mask Giver's Embroidered Mask 25 Helm
Giver's Embroidered Wristguards Giver's Embroidered Wristguards 25 Gloves
Giver's Embroidered Coat Giver's Embroidered Coat 25 Coat
Giver's Embroidered Sandals Giver's Embroidered Sandals 25 Boots
Rune of Life Rune of Life 10 Updrage
Bolt of Jute Bolt of Jute 0 Refinement
Stretched Rawhide Leather Square Stretched Rawhide Leather Square 0 Refinement
Malign Jute Insignia Malign Jute Insignia 0 Insignia
Mighty Jute Insignia Mighty Jute Insignia 0 Insignia
Vital Jute Insignia Vital Jute Insignia 0 Insignia
Malign Embroidered Coat Malign Embroidered Coat 0 Coat
Mighty Embroidered Coat Mighty Embroidered Coat 0 Coat
Vital Embroidered Coat Vital Embroidered Coat 0 Coat
Jute Breeches Lining Jute Breeches Lining 0 Component
Jute Breeches Panel Jute Breeches Panel 0 Component
Jute Sandal Upper Jute Sandal Upper 0 Component
Jute Tunic Lining Jute Tunic Lining 0 Component
Jute Tunic Panel Jute Tunic Panel 0 Component
Jute Wristguard Padding Jute Wristguard Padding 0 Component
Jute Sandal Sole Jute Sandal Sole 0 Component
Jute Wristguard Strap Jute Wristguard Strap 0 Component
Malign Embroidered Sandals Malign Embroidered Sandals 0 Boots
Mighty Embroidered Sandals Mighty Embroidered Sandals 0 Boots
Vital Embroidered Sandals Vital Embroidered Sandals 0 Boots
Malign Embroidered Pants Malign Embroidered Pants 0 Leggings
Mighty Embroidered Pants Mighty Embroidered Pants 0 Leggings
Vital Embroidered Pants Vital Embroidered Pants 0 Leggings
Minor Rune of the Elementalist Minor Rune of the Elementalist 0 Updrage
Minor Rune of the Mesmer Minor Rune of the Mesmer 0 Updrage